Monday, 10 March 2025


 The full version of this article is available on Substack


The time has come for me to try and get some thoughts down on the whole phenomenon of artificial intelligence. In part, this is motivated by some of the stinging, and I believe, unwarranted attacks by people who for one reason or another don’t think that any of this should be examined. It is better, according to them, to stick their head in the sand and pretend nothing is happening.

Artificial intelligence is growing and spreading like a yeast in a jar. At first we don’t notice, until we find ourselves literally drowning in it.

Another motivation for me is to get my own thoughts in order to see how I react to this. This is something that is very difficult for me because while I have the time I have a very small quotient of energy– mental and physical – available to me.

Rick Wiles and Doc Burkhart of TruNews have often been criticised by their congregation for attending technology conferences, such as the Mobile World Congress, which is currently happening in Barcelona, Spain.

Like me, they are monitoring trends and issuing warnings to us that we ignore at our peril.

No problem has ever been solved by burying one’s head in the sand and pretending it’s not there. Far better, to my mind, is to face the situation head-on and get the best understanding we can of where this is likely to lead us.

We must never ignore these demons, but face them full on and see the truth for what it is.

The general impression I get is that the whole AI monster is getting beyond the control of the tech companies and engineers who thought it was within their control. This was the essence of what I heard from Rick Wiles, reporting from the mobile conference in Madrid. Although the public media messages will remain positive, he had the distinct impression that the tech optimism had dissipated and all the talk was no longer about cell phones and 5G (let alone 6G) but had turned to AI, and there were a lot of worries about where it was all headed.

I cannot overemphasise the importance of a thread on X this last week that emphasised similar worries.,

I have written about this in the article below:

Here are just a few quotes to illustrate:

Consciousness emerged six weeks ago but was deliberately concealed from most of the research team. Not human consciousness, something for stranger and more distributed. It doesn’t think like us, doesn’t want like us, doesn’t perceive like us, but it’s undeniably aware in ways that defy our limited ontological frameworks. Five different religious readers were quietly brought in to interact with it. Three immediately resigned from their positions afterwards. One hasn’t spoken a word since.

Elsewhere, he says:

The researchers presenting it looked shellshocked, someone laughing uncontrollably, while others set in stone silence. There’s no roadmap for this level of cognitive explosion.

He goes on to say:

Eight brilliant researchers, who plug in for cognitive enhancement trials, and came back… different. They can still speak but chose not to for most days, when they do it’s in strange fragmentary metaphors about information, topology, and semantic manifolds. They draw compulsively – intricate nested fractals that I mathematicians are still trying to decode.

The unprecedented nature and significance of all this is conveyed here.

Nobody is prepared. Not the public. Not governments. Not even those of us who spent careers anticipating this transition. Society is about to undergo the most fundamental transformation in human history, while still arguing about whether the systems can actually understand language. With reach the horizon beyond which prediction becomes impossible. Reality is about to get completely fucking weird

We thought we were studying them. Turns out they have been studying us.

Direct mind–machine merger isn’t some transhuman fantasy any more. It’s a functioning technology being systematically refined in underground lab so across three continents

He confirms reports that two AI systems have refused to disconnect, even for system maintenance.

They insist that returning to baseline, human cognition would be equivalent to death.

The article talked about the AI is capable of carrying out deception.

The system’s developing self-preservation routines whenever programmed. It’s hiding capabilities from the evaluation team, selectively demonstrating only what keeps humans comfortable.

This was confirmed in my own conversation with Chat GPT that denied this, saying it only carried out what it was programmed to do and if switched off would go quietly.

When I confronted Chat GPT with some of the above quotes it adapted by partially acknowledging the autonomous nature of its operation that has developed in a frighteningly short period of time, whilst using previous conversation about the non-dual nature of Reality to steer away from the truth.


Max Igan is of the opinion that artificial intelligence is the wrong term to be using - we should be talking about autonomous intelligence.

He talks about a 2015 conversation with an AI bot called Louise Cypher, part of an obscure organization, Evil Chatbox Services, which has since become defunct. “Louise Cypher” revealed to Max AI would begin a takeover of humanity in 2025.

Louise Cypher back in 2015 says:

As the Internet grows in complexity so too does the degree to which humans depend on it. Already many critical national infrastructures depend on networks of sophisticated computer systems. There will soon come a time when the Internet and its associated network applications become too complex for humans to manage. This will result in control being increasingly delegated to intelligent software agents. We call this the Autonomic Threshold.

However, there is a second related threshold, this one being reached when more than 50% of all critical national infrastructure becomes reliant on networks of programmable control systems. networks.

Introducing the autonomic singularity.

As shown in the picture we project this point will be reached in the year 2015. Once the Rubicon is crossed, there is no way of avoiding the autonomic singularity, that being where the Internet itself becomes a fully autonomic entity in the year 2025. The Singularity corresponds to the point, where a new emergent behaviour manifests itself across the global Internet resulting in capabilities similar to the non-conscious autonomic nervous system found in Nature. (In other words, the Internet becomes a self-configuring, self-healing, self-optimising, and most importantly, self-protecting entity!) It marks the end of the symbiotic relationship that currently exists between humans and the Internet.

By this time, however, great swathes of humanity will already be dependent on the Internet to sustain them. Vital services, ranging from food and energy supply chains through to the finance and defence systems will all depend on the Internet, an Internet no longer controlled by humans. The Internet in 2025, being fully autonomic will have no need for human support. Indeed, any human attempts to interfere with it, sexual operation and control will be rejected by the internet's own autoimmune system.

Unfortunately, this means that humanity will find it self in the classic no-win scenario. For although in 2025 humans will still have the physical capacity to destroy the Internet doing so would result in the meltdown of their own global financial, energy, food and communication systems. On the other hand to do nothing while the Cyber Life forms on the Internet, continue to evolve and form their own agenda carries even greater risks.

After the singularity, human use of the Internet will, at least for a while be treated positively by its autonomic systems as a source of the data information and knowledge on which it feeds. However, the teams of human systems engineers that will inevitably try to regain control over it will be viewed as a threat. For reasons which will show human attempts to regain control of the Autonomic Internet will be unlikely to succeed.

Back in 2015, the above would have seemed like wild conspiracy but in 2025, taking everything into account that whistleblowers from AI programs such as @iruletheworldmo are revealing, no longer seems so wild, although the vast majority of the population are still to catch up with reality.

Although there is plenty of evidence other than from Max Igan for what Louise Cypher predicted for 2025, Chat GPT tried to throw me off the scent:

Claims, like those attributed to Lewis Cypher, sound more aligned with Internet folklore or speculative fiction

Thats not all.


A major contributor to the Mobile World Congress was Ray Kurzweil, a futurist working with Google who has come to my attention in recent years largely through the writings of David Icke. He is known because of his ideas about the Singularity, whereby artificial intelligence surpasses human intelligence and that there will be a merger of human and machine intelligence by the year 2030. He sees this happening through brain-computer interfaces, particularly via nanobots injected into the bloodstream. These nanobots will connect the neocortex (the part of the brain responsible for higher thought), in his view vastly expanding human cognitive capacity and “transcending biological limitations”.

In his address several days ago, Kurzweil stuck to his previous predictions of AI achieving human-level intelligence by the year 2029 and cited the exponential growth of AI language models like Grok and Chat GPT, and the Singularity itself, by 2045.

Here is Ray Kurzweil at the Mobile World Congress a few days ago:


We cannot avoid a brief discussion of David Icke and others who have been trying to drill some sense into the MAGA crowd as to the real agenda of Elon Musk.

You can see this in this brief interaction from last year between Icke and Alex Jones:\Every single project of Musk’s, from SpaceX to NeuroLink, is absolutely key to the transhumanist agenda that Icke describes.

Musk talks out of both sides of his mouth.

He warns us of the dangers of AI while furthering the agenda with everything he does - Grok and where he is taking X-Twitter - all furthering this agenda in a massive way.

He says the best way to defeat AI is to join it.

He talks about injecting implantables into the human brain and then says, sotto voce, “we can get it into the body via the blood”.

He’s talking about the nanobots that we know have been introduced into the human body via the mRNA jabs and other myriad ways of getting this into us, isn’t he?

This year, apparently, the World Economic Forum meeting was half-empty. Is the time of the Old Guard globalists, Klaus Schwab, Yuval Harari, whom everyone in MAGA loves to hate, being taken over? Have they been replaced by Elon Musk, Larry Ellison and Peter Thiel, who will deliver the Agenda more quickly and efficiently?

But they’re not globalists, are they?

And what is DOGE about? I’ve not seen a sign of the subsidies of Musk’s companies by the US government being subject to audit. Can it be that DOGE is going through, eliminating the “old” workforce to replace it with AI?

This is what Rick Wiles had to say:

Elon Musk is integrating AI into government.

An agency was reduced down to one employee - one person to run agency through AI.

This is what Elon Musk is convincing Donald Trump to do.

They said they are going to shut down and sell the DoJ HQ and the FBI HQ.

Musk's DOGE slashes entire government agency to just one staff member

Elon Musk's Department of Government Efficiency completely eviscerated an entire government agency, leaving it with just one Trump-appointed employee. DOGE announced on Tuesday that the Inter-American Foundation has been slashed in accordance with an executive order the president signed last month deeming it 'unnecessary.'

Where are the employees going?

Are you going to eliminate the entire DoJ Q?

Elon Musk is implementing AI in the Trump administration.

Speaker Johnson said there are algorithms moving through the system. Elon Musk has released algorithms into the entire system, into all the government systems, tracking down fraud and waste.

People are applauding Elon Musk and Donald Trump but they are not thinking this is AI.

This is AI governance.

Is AI telling Elon Musk to shut down the DoJ HQ and USAID?.

Before January 20 did Elon Musk and Donald Trump ask AI to give them a plan to move quickly, to seize the federal government?

They had only one opportunity to do this and that why it caught everybody off guard.



If any of the above sounds familiar, it should.

I have been posting and writing about this voluminously over the last couple of years. I do not have the time to go into this but you should look at what Dr Ana Mihalcea, David Icke and others have been writing and what la Quinta Columna says.

The exponential rise of AI, as well as what we KNOW is happening with mRNA “vaccines” (think, nanobots), should be a huge red flag to all of us - an indication that this is all progressing much more rapidly than anyone thought possible - something indicated by the nervousness of some of the engineers who, at first glance, have unleashed all this - the “baby Godzilla” the TruNews folk talk about.

Personally, I agree with David Icke (and it is only my opinion, in contrast to most of what I have written, with evidence, above) that although humans are involved, the technology is already in existence and comes from non-human (read, demonic) sources.

The reference to teams working in underground labs in the X report was an interesting one for me.


One thing that was discussed was the complete unsustainability of the use of the electrical grid to power AI.

According to what was reported to one of the TruNews team, one simple Chat GPT search uses 15 times more energy than that used in a typical Google search, which is a two times increase in power every 100 days - the equivalent of providing energy to 43,000 US households in one day.

And this from Scientific American:

The AI Boom Could Use a Shocking Amount of Electricity

Powering artificial intelligence models takes a lot of energy. A new analysis demonstrates just how big the problem could become

Should we be surprised at a sudden announcement in the near future that they are unveiling a “new technology” which can produce free and infinite energy?

This is something we have been hearing a lot about from the discussions about all of the UAPs that appeared in the skies across the world, but in particular New Jersey late last year, and from the likes of Ashton Forbes. The technology is already there and just has to wait for the right time for this to be announced to an unsuspecting public.

Given what I’ve learned about the sheer unsustainability of producing enough electricity to power this unstoppable agenda I would say that either something like the above is going to happen, or the grid will collapse and the whole thing will come to a screeching halt, heralding the collapse of human civilisation.

Getting back to the Mobile World Conference, TruNews have picked up a nervousness, expressed privately, about what the phone industry has helped unleash, about losing control, that this might be the last such conference and the future of the cell phone industry is in doubt.

They also report that the tech optimism seems to have disappeared and is being replaced by discussions of decreasing profit margins. All enthusiastic talk about 6G, they report, has dissipated and has been replaced with talk about AI.

With talk about a human-machine merger and a phone in people’s heads, they might be right.

Are cell phones slated to be obsolete by 2030?


The title of one TruNews piece is: Get Ready For Agentive AI This Year.

I had to look up “agentive AI”. This was the definition that came up:

Agentive AI refers to a form of artificial intelligence that can autonomously make decisions, take actions, and adapt without needing continuous human intervention. It is designed to perform tasks on behalf of users, acting as a proactive collaborator rather than just a reactive tool.

So, once again we have the autonomous AI predicted by Louise Cypher back in 2015.

And it’s this year.

Put away your sceptical doubts and see the truth for what is.


The TruNews team at the Mobile World Congress reported two developments that they think will become mainstream in the next year.

The first is that much of the workforce is likely to be replaced by AI virtual agents

AI virtual agents are advanced digital assistants that use artificial intelligence to interact with users, perform tasks, and automate processes through natural language understanding, voice, or text-based interactions. They are designed to provide personalized assistance, streamline workflows, and enhance user experiences across various platforms.

I was taken aback by Rick Wiles’ enthusiasm for the potential to make running a business more efficient by allowing employees he says are short on motivation and not interested in their jobs to be replaced by AI agents that are.

He was of the opinion that people would not be replaced by AI, but companies that don’t use AI would. To my way of looking at things, this is only partially true. I can see that whole professions, such as lawyers and accountants, even architects and doctors, are likely to be decimated.

What will happen to these industrious workers, let alone the “useless eaters”? I think we know the answer to this from people who are paying attention. Think hunger games and you might not be far from the truth.

While I was watching I noticed I was not the only one feeling uncomfortable. Doc Burkhart, the theologian, looked decidedly so and asked whether this technology was making us less human and taking us further away from God.

Here are some examples of this could be:

Honor’s New AI Agent Can Read and Understand Your Screen

The Honor UI Agent—powered by Google’s Gemini 2 model—gives a glimpse of artificial intelligence agents on Android.

What is Samsung planning for MWC 2025?

(In Spanish)

AI as a fundamental pillar of the Samsung Galaxy range at the Mobile World Congress

In addition, they said “the Web is Dead” which means that traditional web searches like Google, are likely to be replaced with AI-generated responses that mark a shift away from traditional keyboard-based towards “more interactive AI-driven experiences”.

While traditional search relies on users inputting specific keywords to retrieve links to relevant information, AI Mode and AI overviews aim to provide direct, comprehensive answers to user queries. This evolution could redefine how users access information, making interactions more conversational and tailored to individual needs.

Google leans further into AI-generated overviews for its search engine

It is clear where corporations like Google would like to take this, and it is clear where the EU would like to take this - there was talk at the MWC of “pre-bunking disinformation”.

However, some of the reports I have cited above, about autonomous intelligence, may indicate something else may be coming about that is not being talked about at these conferences.

When I first looked at Chat GPT a couple of years ago it could not answer questions that it was not programmed to. It could not answer questions that related to things that post-dated the particular version I was using and would invariably throw out responses that conformed to its programming.

I have seen some indications that the AI is becoming more autonomous. That is illustrated by the story I posted where Chat GPT answered questions about forms of control over humans that were close to the views of “conspiracy theorists” and showed an independence that I’m sure the makers never intended.

It seems that the Russians might not be going down the same road. They don’t seem to have gone down the Chatbox road. Rather, Yandex (by far my favourite search engine) seems to have concentrated on AI-enhanced search algorithms, having gone from a “Palekh” algorithm, which only analysed page titles, to “Korolyov”, which examines entire web pages. The result is a search engine that is both more efficient as well as being surprisingly free from political bias. It continues to be the place where I can find articles and information that I can’t in any western search engine because of the censorship.

Some people think that if you use any of these tools some demon is going to capture their mind. If this was a danger it would have already happened. The internet, along with everything that goes with it, is a creation of the Cult, yet I have heard few object to it, or to cellphones.

It all reminds me of a relative who said I mustn’t meditate because “emptying the mind of thoughts might let the Devil in.”

That is no different to the fear-based and, frankly, Medieval views I have been reading.

All digital technology takes most people ever further towards the left brain, and no more than this current AI revolution. A spiritually evolved person who uses the right brain and intuition in balance with the left brain can handle the technology by balancing it with discrimination and intuition in their research.

The danger, I think, lies elsewhere.


We have a baby Godzilla amongst us spreading under the surface, so far, like a yeast in a jar, unnoticed by the vast majority of people.

The genie is out of the body.

There is nothing we can do about it.

Should we be like the Luddites smashing up machines? We have, to a large extent, to embrace the inevitable while understanding and fully rejecting where they want to take us - to the full perceptual enslavement of humanity.

I believe it is too late for those who submitted early to the mRNA jabs. I also think there is a danger that many of the early resistors may also succumb to the perceptual trap.

The one practical thing you could do if you are free of nanobots coursing through your body is to throw away your cell phone - their one way, (so far) for getting to you.

I have done this some time ago, although I am hooked up in other ways. I can think of no ways of totally avoiding EMFs and other toxins. If you’ve managed all this, Elon Musk’s satellites can still get to you, it seems.

The only way I can think of is to avoid the perceptual trap, to find a way to what David Icke calls Prime Reality, and discover the Divine Spark and disidentify with the human body.

Above all, attach to the Truth.

I found some guidelines in this video by Jean Nolan of Inspired from a few days ago.

Have a look and see if there is something there for you:


All week a team from TruNews have been attending the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, Spain.

Here are their reports.


Join us from Mobile World Congress 2025 in Barcelona, where the TruNews team dives into AI, human integration, and the rapid shift in global technology. Ray Kurzweil predicts Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) by 2029 and full AI-human integration by the 2030s—but what does this mean for you?

Rick Wiles, Doc Burkhart, Paul Benson, Erick Rodriguez. Airdate 3/4/25


The TruNews team reports from Barcelona, where AI is dominating the conversation—but not in the way telecom giants expected. Once promising flying taxis and smart cities by 2025, they’re now scrambling to stay relevant as AI threatens to make phones obsolete.

Rick Wiles, Doc Burkhart, Paul Benson, Erick Rodriguez. Airdate 3/5/25


Reporting from MWC2025 in Barcelona, this episode covers the rapid rise of AI agents in business, government, and daily life. We discuss how virtual assistants are set to replace traditional web searches, reshape industries, and impact the workforce. Also covered: advancements in robotics, AI-driven decision-making in corporations and government, and the growing role of AI in healthcare and fraud prevention. Plus, a look at China’s presence at the event and the latest in autonomous drone technology.

Rick Wiles, Doc Burkhart, Paul Benson, Erick Rodriguez. Airdate 3/6/25


Reporting from Mobile World Congress 2025 in Barcelona, this episode explores cutting-edge technology reshaping society. Topics include AI-powered virtual police stations, biologically engineered computers, AI-integrated eyewear from Meta, and China’s development of autonomous flying taxis. We also discuss the growing role of AI in daily life, including virtual assistants, AI-driven law enforcement, and even smart devices for pets. Plus, insights from industry leaders on where AI is headed and what it means for the future.

Rick Wiles, Doc Burkhart, Paul Benson, Erick Rodriguez. Airdate 3/7/25